Business Hours

  • Monday - Thursday
  • Friday
    11:00am - 03:00pm
  • Saturday - Sunday
    11:00am - 04:00pm

Directions to Oldies:

We are right behind the Custom House Maritime Museum.
At the end of the Boardwalk, along the bike path, we are the big red barn, you can't miss us!

From Route 95:

Take exit 86 (old exit 57) and follow the signs to downtown Newburyport. Proceed through Market Square and watch for Oldies Marketplace signs on the Waterfront.

From Route 495:

Take exit 119 (old exit 55). Turn right at the second set of lights. Go over the river. Take a sharp left towards downtown Newburyport. Proceed through Market Square and watch for the Oldies Marketplace signs on the Waterfront.